Eat out often? is a good way to save money if you eat out often. You can purchase a $25 gift certificate to participating restaurants nearby for around $5 (depends what current discount codes are available). Simply type in your zip code and search for restaurants nearby.
The current 50% off discount code is "15215" and expires on 12/18.
Most restaurants accept the gift certificates without problem, but if you want to be extra safe, you could call the restaurant and ask before purchasing the gift certificate. The one time where a restaurant refused to accept my gift certificate, I emailed and got a refund within days.
On top of the discount code, fatwallet offers a 7% cash back if you enter the website through their link (sign up for a fatwallet account if you haven't already, it's worth it. You can earn cash back on online purchases!). I hope that helps.
EDIT: The code "69132" is for 60% off and lasts til 12/25!
EDIT 12/27/05: Here's another code since the last one expired. "36059" is for 60% off and expires 12/31!
Final edit: I am now posting the most recent code in the right hand column.
The current 50% off discount code is "15215" and expires on 12/18.
Most restaurants accept the gift certificates without problem, but if you want to be extra safe, you could call the restaurant and ask before purchasing the gift certificate. The one time where a restaurant refused to accept my gift certificate, I emailed and got a refund within days.
On top of the discount code, fatwallet offers a 7% cash back if you enter the website through their link (sign up for a fatwallet account if you haven't already, it's worth it. You can earn cash back on online purchases!). I hope that helps.
EDIT: The code "69132" is for 60% off and lasts til 12/25!
EDIT 12/27/05: Here's another code since the last one expired. "36059" is for 60% off and expires 12/31!
Final edit: I am now posting the most recent code in the right hand column.
I've used one of these once, too bad it's not at any of my favorite restaurants, and most of the listed one are overpriced as it is.
But if you can find one on the list you already go to, score!
BTW, I just added you to my links section as well. =)
I may take advantage of this after the holidays--for myself! Thanks for the link.
Hey i just signed up for this. Going to try out an irish restaurant nearby. THanks so much for this!!
Where did you find the 60% off offer?
With two kids, the Unknown Wife and I both try to get out on a date whenever we can. Thanks for making it much more affordable.
Hey I agree 100% agree with the last few comments. This blog has great opinions and this is why I continue to visit, thanks! ##link#
If you eat out often, a really easy way to get more cash back is with cash rebate credit cards that offer a special percentage in the restaurant category.
For example, the Citi Professional card (
gives 3% back at restaurants.
To pick the best cash reward card(s) for your spending pattern, use the reward calculator at .
I used Fatwallet and for me to save money from eating in restaurants and shopping online.
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